Ground. Breaking. News!
You already know everything you need to know.
You know how to do it, be it, live it, breathe it.
You have everything you need inside you.
Sounds crazy right? How can this be? The trick is…….there is no trick.
Waiting for the “Secret”?
Well there is a word…

If you can turn down the negative self talk and just
trust in your own magnificence,
you can be everything you want.
In fact you already are.
But if like me, your Negative Nelly (or Nellies) has had the reigns for some time now and she’s putting up one hell of a fight, – it’s time to pull out

So this is the point where I stop, and reveal my hand.
I’m not here to preach and to tell you what you “should” do. I’m not an expert on managing your ego (or mine for that matter).
I’m just going to share with you how I am navigating this thing called life and how I am getting my cow girl boots on, lasso in hand and trying to wrangle this ego of mine who has had the run of the ranch for longer than I care to admit.

First up, my guns are filled with LOVE, not bullets (or cannon balls).
This helps me be G E N T L E with myself.
Consistently Gentle.
No telling off or even having a quiet word to myself – because that’s just Nelly back in the driver’s seat again.
I treat Nelly like a small child who will keep asking for a lolly no matter how many times you say “No”.
And each time you gently say “No”
and then “No“,
and yet again “No“.
To keep me on track and consistent (and gentle) I like to create some visual cues to
help me remember what I already know
And based on everything I’m learning about the language of colour, it is definitely colour based.
Each day I spend at least 5 minutes getting still and asking myself “What do I need today?”
If the answer is peace and calm, then out comes the blue earrings, blue sandals, and if I have time nail polish.
I think about the meaning of the colour as I am selecting it and putting it on. And then throughout the day I am constantly reminded that “I am calm, my life is peaceful”.
I wear a lot of pink as I find the answer is often “Self-Love and tenderness” and somedays I need to dress in head to toe pink to just “quietly” remind myself to be gentle and kind to myself multiple times throughout the day.
And at the end of the day, my bursts of intention filled colour are simply an invitation for my soul to remember what it already knows. And as Nelly takes a back seat (preferably somewhere near the exit) my true self can shine a little brighter and my magnificence can’t help but bubble up and out!
What ways can you remind yourself to trust your own magnificence and quieten your Negative Nellies? Share your magic in the comments below…

“This universe is not outside of you.
Look inside yourself;
everything that you want,
you are already that.”
Love this message. For me, sometimes it works to stop thinking and just DO what you want to achieve. The quicker the better. Before Nellie has a chance to come out 🙂
That’s great advice Al. Nelly is the queen of the mind best to stay out of there if you don’t want her input.