Tailored Talismans

Tailored Talismans are
bespoke, intention-filled crystal creations
that are infused with specific life affirming energies.
The giving of a gift is
a tangible declaration of a connection you have with another
an opportunity to share a positive experience to enhance the life of the receiver
an opportunity to share your story and the stories of others to enhance the life of the receiver
Often commercially available goods don’t do those connections and opportunities justice.
If you continually seek out soul-filled gifts,
or have a loved one who could use an energetic boost…
then tailored talismans are just what you are looking for

Here’s how it works…
Send me an email – lisa@coloredinlife.com and let me know who the talisman is for, and what intentions (wishes) you have for them.
You may even want one as a gift for yourself.
Here’s some examples of intentions that previous clients have had
- My sister is pregnant and I want to give her something to help keep her calm and healthy throughout this time.
- My mum has just finished her last round of treatment for cancer and I want to give her something that celebrates how strong she has been and to help her have the courage to keep at it.
- My best friend is quite depressed and has lost her sense of joy after her marriage ended. I want to give her something to help her heal and really enjoy life again.
- A friend of mine at work is about to have a baby – I want to give her something to help both her and the baby to enjoy this new journey.
- I have just quit my job to start my own business and I want to congratulate myself as well as keep my feelings of overwhelm at bay – I would love to have a tangible reminder of what I want out of life.
Once we have clarified your intentions, I set about selecting the corresponding crystals to be included in your talisman.
For the price of $40 (AUD) I will create your bespoke talisman, design a matching energy guide to explain both the intentions and the energies of the crystals used, and post it at not extra charge (Australia wide only) to you within 1 week (depending on current orders).
So if you want to make a difference with a soul-filled gift
for either your loved ones or yourself
Send me an email ( lisa@coloredinlife.com ) to get started.