In all honesty, one year to the next is not really separated by a change in the number we write down when signing an official document. As a soul driven business owner, each year flows into the next bringing lessons and discoveries that we can build upon.
My biggest lesson of 2017 was definitely to do with playing small by building some really big walls around myself. Holding my breath, waiting for things to be better before I really put myself out there.
I learnt that the best way to find answers was not to go searching for them – but to get into a state where I could create some internal space and allow the answers to come to me.
For me this looks like a combination of meditation and art making. I spent what spare time I had in December/January in deep thought and painting.
A beautiful friend of mine who has a gift of seeing people’s spirit animal – told me that she could see a bright Macaw parrot urging me to spread my wings and bring colour to the world.
So after a little meditation, this vision came to me of what that looked like – and the above painting resulted.
I have been doing this style of painting for two years now and have done many portraits of loved ones and friends. I get so much out of allowing my love and appreciation to flow through my paintbrush onto the page – I thought I would direct a little love and appreciation my own way.
I now keep this image front and centre in my workspace to remind me exactly what I came here to do.