No Added Labels


Last week I made a conscious decision to stop struggling with the Struggle. I also identified that there was something that I believed to be stopping the flow and ease I so desire in this new life I am creating for myself.

As I release so much of the old me and the old ways of being, my ego has gone into overdrive trying to create order, containment and structure. And so many situations I find myself in call for a description or a label or an occupation. Forms to be filled in, new people you meet who ask “So what do you do?”, questionnaires that ask “How would you describe yourself?”  All prompting my ego to place a label upon myself.  And in doing so, I have discovered that there is a complexity to this labelling system.


The Locked In Labels

These are the labels you have given yourself over time – or taken on in life as other people may have placed them on you.  These labels can keep you playing small, trying nothing new, stagnating and staying stuck. Without being challenged, these labels can create a box that surrounds you and doesn’t allow you to grow.  

For the longest time I have been given, and gladly taken on the label of “Introvert”. Now it is certainly true that I do need time to myself to recharge my batteries, however, years of considering myself an introvert, have left me believing that I am shy, not sociable,  and difficult to get to know. By challenging this label, I have discovered that none of the above are true, and I have gladly put myself in more situations without fear that I will have to sit by myself in the corner.


The Shut Out Labels

These little puppies signify things you stay away from because you either believe that you are “NOT” those things because you are not worthy or able, or things you stay away from because you are afraid of others’ perceptions of that label.

So for me recently my shut out label has been HEALER. Prompted by an Instagram comment, I got into a discussion with a friend about my colour therapy course and the fact that she considered me to be a healer, and that perhaps my actions should start reflecting this. Well didn’t that send me in a tail spin! So with much soul searching and journalling later, I asked for help. And I received it. An Intuitive Reading from Amy at True Shining Self (I can highly recommend Amy and her amazing gifts) and this one sentence set me free –

You can be a healer without having to label yourself as one.

And with that I felt the permission to wander through the space of Healer without having to stay locked in there, and wear a sign around my neck.


Can you identify any labels that are keeping you locked in? Or perhaps there is somewhere you need to visit but the label is keeping you shut out? I’d love to hear from you below in the comments. As always your views and ideas are inspirational to me. xx

Labels quote

Written by

Lisa is the founder of Coloured in Life. A background in Interior Design and a passion for all things colourful has lead Lisa to pursue a Life lived in Colour and share her discoveries and Joy with the world.

4 Comments to “No Added Labels”

  1. Allison says:

    Great blog Lisa! I, like you, need time to myself to recharge and refresh but I hate the introvert label. I don’t let that restrict me in pushing myself out of my comfort zone often. xx

  2. Lauren says:

    Great post! I’ve definitely struggled with needing labels or credentials to feel worthy enough to do my work…even though that’s not true at all. I love working with clients to ditch the labels around food (vegan, paleo, etc.) and create their own individualized nutrition that works for them without needing a label.

    • Thanks Lauren. Funny how it is our natural state to contain and compartmentalise ourselves all the time – rules and structure. Sounds like wonderful work you are doing to help others break down that structure a little.

  3. […] go – of beliefs, habits, things and even people. I’ve written several posts on it here, here and here. Now I know deep down inside their are things big and small to still clear out – […]

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