I’ve been resting up and listening to my body of late as I am still fighting off a nasty cold. So instead of plotting out my next post, I have been on a meandering of sorts – through the intricacies of the internet. And I have stumbled across an unexpected gem. A re-ignition of a long lost passion. An all-in appreciation of words for their “lyrical lucidity”.
Not since high school have I really read words for their simple beauty. I love words – reading and writing them – but usually in the form of books (non-fiction & fiction) or blog posts and sometimes the lyrics to songs. But poetry is not about the story or the music – it is a message straight to your soul that connects and leaves you changed – sometimes inspired, and often yearning.
In all definitions of the word Poetry, there is always the inclusion of the word “Beauty”. And in the treasures I have discovered, I am left with such an appreciation for the beauty of life – no matter the subject matter or the emotions being conveyed.
So today I thought I would share with you a poem that sent sparks straight to my soul and left me changed, definitely inspired and certainly yearning. A poem about something I already feel impassioned about – Shining your Own Light.
Her Declaration

This poem is written by Danika Jane the creator of Her Bright Ambition . I first met this wonderful lady through an online course and the moment I saw her tag line “Paint The World With Your Own Colours”, I knew I had to spend some time wandering around in her online home.
Danika Jane is a seeker of love, fire-in-the-belly creativity, adventure, contribution + her own voice.
Her conscious crusade is to encourage you to go after your most sacred ambitions & desires. To creatively express yourself, your message and your big bright dreams. And to contribute, serve and feel amazing every day of your wild & precious life.
Danika is currently working on her research project, Bright Ambition. More on this coming soon!

So Have you found a poem that sparks your soul? – or perhaps you’ve written one yourself! I’d love you to share in the comments below.
Beautiful post about a topic I adore! Thanks for featuring my poem Lisa. Much love. xx
You are most welcome Danika Jane. Thankyou for sharing your spirit so eloquently. <3 <3