Besides time, I believe energy is perhaps the most sought after commodity as a mum, a wife, a sister, a daughter, a friend. In fact I would go so far as to say that energy is more precious than time … because in reality if you get a little extra time it’s not going to be of much use if you don’t have any energy to do something with it.
In pursuit of cultivating my own energy (over many many years) I’ve tried many a trick or tip to save it, redirect it, rebuild it – all to varying degrees of success. One of the road blocks I often ran into though, was the fact that I felt I had very little control of my energy on a moment to moment basis. My day to day life had become all about prioritising others which naturally led to giving over the control of my energy to them.
I often felt like if I had to sit down and actually work out where all my energy was going, where it would be better off going, and how to do the heavy grunt work to protect and redirect it, then any small reserves I had would evaporate before I could make a difference.
So I’d love to share a little hack that instantly made a difference – primarily to my energy levels, but as an added bonus to my sleep quality (which further improved my energy levels). In reality a win, win, win situation. I find it is best practiced at night before you go to sleep.

The beauty of this practice, is that brings your own energy back to you and releases the impact of others’ energy back to them. Like an energy filtration system. As you continue this practice, you will find your energy reserves begin to increase overtime. And with that you can even find some space (and energy) to start to identify where your energy is being drained. This practice can then become part of your daily life where you can draw back your energy immediately the moment you recognise it is going somewhere that doesn’t really serve you.
I’d love to hear how you go if you give it a try – happy energy cultivating.