An Extra Helping of Gratitude

The “Attitude of Gratitude” is not a shiny new concept.
The fact that
The Key to Happiness is to be found in being Grateful for what you already have,
has been endorsed in one way or another by many including Buddha, Eckhart Tolle, and Oprah Winfrey to name but a few.
At the beginning of 2013, I tried it on for size. I started to write my RTBT list where every day on Facebook I would claim to all my friends my Reason To Be Thankful. It was a lot of fun at first. I thought that by declaring it publicly, it would help me find gratitude every day, even on those days when there didn’t seem to an obvious answer.
But I got so much more than what I bargained for.
Very quickly I discovered that not only was there an effortless obvious answer,
– there were many
– too many to list
– my cup truly runneth over,
and over,
and over,
and over

Image credit
The glorious beauty about this revelation, was that if i just look below the surface not only will I find one reason to be thankful but another. And the more you find, well, The. More. You. Find!
And then the big one…by looking at tricky/painful/hurtful experiences in my life, I can find something to be grateful for, and then another thing.
And in doing so my heart grows and expands.
And Double Happiness abounds
And this magnificent abundance fills my world with deep soul rockin’ red.

This idea is so simple and effective which is why I think so many people are just coming to the party now – we try to overcomplicate things! You are so right Lisa, the more you are grateful for, the more shows up to be grateful for x
So true Rachelle. So simple and also so easy to forget.
[…] have written about Gratitude before – (check out my piece on Double Happiness). I have been practising it for a while […]