I’m on a quest.
In fact I’ve always been on a quest – I just didn’t realise it until a few short whiles ago.
An awakening has happened – I am in pursuit – of shadows and things hidden away in them. Of all things me – the true me.
Not the masks and hats that I have consciously and unconsciously put on or worn to keep the true me in the shadows.
I am shining a search light into the very corners of my being and I am seeking myself in my all my colours – from the bright sunny colours to the deep murky colours.
And amongst my discoveries, I am learning. I am identifying certain triggers, specific behaviours, and the unpleasant results of these behaviours not only for myself but for those immediate souls who share my life.
There is a poison that sits below the surface and leaves us all feeling a little dull, a little unsteady, and essentially a little unloved. This poison takes many forms –
Frustration, Exhaustion, Overwhelm, Aggression, Exasperation, Embarrassment, Disappointment
– but the result is the same – it causes us to shrink a little, shy away from the light and cover up a little more of our true selves in the shadows.
And since my quest is about discovery, I am searching for the antidote to these poisons.
One simple definition (thanks merriam-webster.com))
“sympathetic consciousness of other’s distress together with a desire to alleviate it.”
The act of COMPASSION.
A marvellous elixir of being not only PRESENT – but being in a state of presence coming from a place of LOVE. An elixir that can be used on self and others – self compassion AND compassion for fellow souls.
Compassion when directed at SELF – quietens the ego, eases the burdens, and provides a sense of safety – allowing you to stand a little taller and shine a little brighter.
Compassion when directed at OTHERS – brings you into the present moment, empowers others to feel understood and safe and can generate solutions that helps others stand a little taller and shine a little brighter.
So if Compassion is a gift from the heart – what colour is it?
Soft Gentle Pinks, Deep Bright Magentas and Fresh Lush Greens.
Whether it be in meditation, through what you wear, or a beautiful green plant with pink/magenta blooms, surround yourself with these colours and let your heart drink in the energy to help it be it’s compassionate best!