The true joy and essence of being a human on this earth is the ability to experience connections. A connection with a loved one, a connection with a new born baby, a connection with a stranger, a connection with yourself.
These connections are essential to help us thrive and grow as a person. When we connect – even momentarily – we recognise something within the other person that we have an affinity with. We establish a relationship based on a similarity. Yet no two people can be exactly the same – we are all different. And therefore when we connect to that similarity, we let our guard down and we cannot help be exposed to those varying parts of the other person – we absorb some differences and we impart some of our own. An exchange of energies. And we are left different – bigger – more expansive and more connected.
The aftermath is a true sense of “being alive”. A sensation of unity and a tangible bond with others. Any glimmer of “aloneness” is quickly evaporated. And it can be oh so addictive.
But there is an art to it.
An art to really opening yourself up to the opportunity to connect.
For there are a million opportunities presented to us each and every day in each and every moment – to connect with others, with ourselves and with the universe.
So how do we train our connection muscle? How do we create a recipe for connection?
The answer lies within your ability to let go. It’s all about the ditch – ditch your stuff – the physical stuff, the mental stuff, the ego stuff, the comparison stuff, the judgment stuff – throw it all out with wild abandon.
Carve out space in your life, your heart and soul to let others in. Approach others with an open heart and mind and view the world without your stuff affecting the lenses.
When we are caught up in our own stuff we can hardly see the other person let alone any similarities. Imagine meeting someone for the first time and you are in the centre of the room surrounded by boxes and boxes piled high – of your stuff. Hard to imagine carrying on a conversation with the other person and even harder to imagine making any kind of connection. So back up the moving truck – offload the boxes and purge your stuff. Truth is you really don’t need it!

And this time the benefits are ten fold!
How could this be so?
Throwing out boxes of our stuff – metaphorical and real boxes – creates space – space creates presence – presence creates connection – connections expand us – expansion equals more space – and so the up-cycle continues.
More Space = More Presence = More Connections = More Space.
And in there thrown in the mix – we can’t help but connect with ourselves and with the universe while connecting with others.
We are all connected – let’s ditch the stuff and make room for each other.
Love the message in this post. I agree, it is SO important to make space to make connections. x
Thanks Sarah, I like to think of it as another form of decluttering! x
Thank you so much for this post Lisa. It truly is beautiful and heartfelt.
“The answer lies within your ability to let go. It’s all about the ditch – ditch your stuff – the physical stuff, the mental stuff, the ego stuff, the comparison stuff, the judgment stuff – throw it all out with wild abandon”
Yes, yes yes! You have such a way with words. Keep it up gorgeous xx
Thanks Jenny, your encouragement and support is a wonderful gift for me. x
One of the reasons I enjoy social media so much, is the connection I have experienced with people I would not otherwise have come across (like you!) People of different ages and from all walks of life, it is so great to engage with and support all these wonderful women trying to live a better life and make a difference in the world, x