I’m on a journey
This one is different
Where am I headed?
No idea
There’s a signpost up ahead – it gives me a hint of a destination –
“Why not?”, my soul whispers
And so I’m moving forward –
in which direction?
It feels as though there are many – but there is no tug of war – It is still forward motion.
Is this what it feels like for my soul to expand?
I am nervous and excited – the good kind – the first date kind, the crisp first day in a new job/city/house kind. I am filled with hope – of good things to come – of endless possibilities –
of modern magic…
I am all-in. I surge forward – no where else to be but here – moving forward down many paths. My energy builds and I break into a run…I am buoyed by my own spirit and as I ease off I am carried by a momentum that brings back memories of coasting down hill as a bike riding teenager.
As I slowly come to a stop I feel satiated. I have not reached my original destination – there is no need. I don’t require a souvenir from this place or the one to which I was going –
I wasn’t really going there anyway.
A journey without a destination – and its magical purpose?
To remind me of my own worthiness as an explorer in this life
To detach from the destination and to work with the flow of my own energy to propel me forward
to give my soul space to expand

So beautiful, Lisa. Wishing a beautiful and continuous bon voyage.
Thank you so much Amira!